Damper actuators / Servo motors

Damper actuators and servo motors

The air control damper plays a vital role in regulating air volume, pressure, and the flow of air in HVAC systems. It is designed to manage airflow by controlling the volume, pressure variations, and the mixing or separation of air streams. Depending on the system’s design, air control dampers are available with blades that either move in parallel or in opposition. The damper frame is constructed from durable sheet metal profiles, reinforced with corner brackets and closure angles, ensuring long-term strength and reliability. The frame features a 152mm center-to-center hole pattern on both the face and end side flanges for secure attachment.

The damper blades are made from extruded aluminum, with a square axle hole that accommodates an interconnecting axle on one side and a crank arm on the other. The damper blade rotates smoothly within the frame using plastic bearings, which are fitted into the bearing holes in the damper frame.

To minimize air leakage, the damper features plastic side seals between the blades and the frame. The damper blades are driven by the crank arms, which are twist-resistant, and are operated via an interconnecting linkage powered by an electric motor. This ensures precise and reliable operation.

The entire damper mechanism, including the blades, crank arms, and linkage, is securely housed within the protective frame. For applications that require moisture control, such as TexPac, the insulated damper version helps prevent condensation on the frame, enhancing the damper’s performance and longevity.